Are you want to know about emotional infidelity? There is no doubt emotional infidelity is more common nowadays. Emotional infidelity is also known as an emotional affair or extramarital emotional affair.
One of the main reasons why most people face this problem in their relationship because there is a communication gap between you and you never try to understand your partner.
And later on, couples feel that their partner is not serious about them, they feel lack of love & attraction for each other, so they start looking outside for a person whom they ask everything about them and they understand their emotions.
If you are still confused about how you identify emotional infidelity, here you will find some important signs that give you more clarity about emotional infidelity
Emotional infidelity signs:

1. Arguments:
The very first important sign is you have useless so much argument, with your partner.
2. No Lovemaking:
There is no lovemaking or any physical relation with your partner because both are busy in their work and feeling tired to sit close to each other.
3.No similarities:
Your mind always focuses on how huge the difference between both of you rather than what similarities you have and this thing really create a huge difference in your relationship.
4.Lack of interest:
Both of you feel there is no love remaining anymore between you and there is a lack of attraction, passion, and commitment.
5.Busy outside:
Both of you spend more time outside rather than your home and when you at home mostly busy on cell phone & computer. All these things really feel you that your partner is totally ignoring you.
Also Read: How Many Emotions Are There In Humans And What Its Mean
6.Judge you:
Your partner starts judging you on small-small things & gone hypercritical about your appearance without any reason.
7.Randomly change in behavior:
You are totally confused about your partner’s behavior, they randomly change. Your partner is very offensive when you ask a question about their behavior or you want to something else.
8.Hiding things:
Your partner starts hiding things from you. They lock their mobile & computer with passwords. So you have no idea what’s going behind you.
9.No quality time:
Your partner never prefers to spend quality time with you and your family. They are almost busy with their personal work. It shows a lack of interest in the relationship.
10.Lies to you:
Your partner is starting to lie to you and it shows that they are not loyal to you. Instead of sharing their personal things with you, they prefer to share these things with other people.
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